RMHAEP Run Night

RMHAEP HQ 6335 Vaughn Court, El Paso, TX, United States

Regularly scheduled run night. Come run trains on any of the layouts. There's plenty of work to do on the layouts or modules.


NMRA Roadrunners Monthly Meeting

Las Cruces Railroad Museum 351 N. Mesilla ST, Las Cruces, NM, United States

The regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the NMRA RMR 7th Division Roadrunners Held at the Las Cruces Railroad Museum (upstairs) and on Zoom video conferencing Zoom meeting info will be sent to members prior to the meeting


RMHAEP February Board Meeting and Run Night

RMHAEP HQ 6335 Vaughn Court, El Paso, TX, United States

Board Meeting (7PM to 8PM) Board meeting is open to all members but only Board Members can vote on motions Run Night (7PM to 9PM) Please refrain from operating sound locomotives during the Board Meeting Open to all members and their guests


RMHAEP Run Night

RMHAEP HQ 6335 Vaughn Court, El Paso, TX, United States

Regularly scheduled run night. Come run trains on any of the layouts. There's plenty of work to do on the layouts or modules.


N Scale BN Boise Division Ops Session 3

Tony's Place 6851 Pino Real DR, El Paso, TX, United States

Hosted by Tony Hammes on his N Scale Burlington Northern Boise Division Railroad This is the 3rd operations sessions for the BN Boise Division. Featuring many scheduled trains, a 3:1 Fast Clock, a Car Card system, and jobs for 11 operators! Any operators are welcome to attend. If you own a Digitrax throttle, please bring […]


RMHAEP Run Night

RMHAEP HQ 6335 Vaughn Court, El Paso, TX, United States

Regularly scheduled run night. Come run trains on any of the layouts. There's plenty of work to do on the layouts or modules.
